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Harbin Fish Farm
"Your Source For Quality Farm Raised Fish"
Fish Pricing
Channel Catfish
1/2 - 4#.............$4.50/#
4 - 10#..............$5.50/#
Northern Largemouth Bass
(pellet trained)
5 - 6"........$3.25/each
6 - 8"........$4.50/each
8 - 10"...........$8/each
1 - 2#...........$15.00/#
2# for availability
*Hand-selected adult female bass
Coppernose Bluegill
1 - 3".....$50/100
3 - 4".....$75/100
4 - 5".....$125/100
5" +.................$14.00/#
Redear Sunfish
5" +...................$20/#
Hybrid Bluegill
Call for pricing and availability
Triploid Grass Carp
12" +................$15/each
Mozambique Tilapia
**Less than 50#.............$15/#
**More than 50#.............$14/#
Gizzard Shad
***Adult........$13.50/# (100# minimum)
Fresh Dead Bait..............$4/#
*Available in March only
**Available in May only
***Available November - February
Most sizes available most of the time. Please call, text, or email for availability.
Prices do not include delivery or oxygenated transport bags.
Large order discounts available.
Prices subject to change without notice.
Prices current as of July 25, 2024
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